
This program is designed to impart basic knowledge to line managers about some common management financial reports to enable them to carry out simple analyses so that they can identify the health of operations and trigger their concerns for making improvement in their own areas of responsibilities.


By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

1.     Understand the various financial implications that are pertinent to management control and be able to measure effectiveness of operations
2.     Differentiate between the usefulness of financial accounting and management accounting reports
3.     Analyze the financial ratios to identify the company’s financial strength and weakness so that they can create appropriate strategic plans to achieve Company’s vision; 
4.     Carry out simple analyses measuring returns using ROI, opportunity cost, stock management and inventories control ratios through both financial & non-financial KPIs 
5.     Make use of the 9 pointers to have quick CHECK of the company’s financial health
6.    Know precisely what to look for
7.    Gauge with more confidence where the company is heading

Key Topics: 

1.     Essential financial management terminology, information and tools
2.     The importance and limitations of using numbers to predict, plan and control
3.     Essential Financial Statements (Balance sheet, P&L account, Management accounts, Cash flow Plan, Operating Budget Plan etc) and integrated with company strategy and vision;
4.     The relationships, usefulness and limitations of each component of Financial Statements with real-world class cases & what to look for.
5.     Gain financial discernment and confidence to positively impact on bottom line
6.     Understanding the Big Picture of doing Business and enhancing business acumen in management
7.     Looking beyond numbers for completeness and holistic management approach. 
8.     9 Pointers of Financial Analysis; Qualitative, Qualitative and External Aspects
9.     How to achieve Progress, Profitability and Prosperity in today’s rapidly changing world.
10.  Main Types of Non-financial Ratios ( understanding rejection rate, waste ratio, complaint ratio, warranty ratios and delivery on schedule ratio ) to use to analyze the underlying causes and benchmark 
11.  Understanding the difference between core competencies and capability
12.  Understanding, analyzing and using Financial Ratios in management 
13.  Cash Conversion Cycle, Free Cash Flow
14.  Work more effectively with their organizations’ financial personnel
15.  How to response to the rapid changes to External Factors (Market Driven) to stay ahead 
Day 1:

MODULE I. From Vision to Financial Success 
·                From Vision to Financial Plan
·                The link between Vision, Strategies and Operational Plans
·                What is Finance management
·                Learn, Measure and Grow
·                Value creation, eliminating waste & creating flow
·                What are the 5Rs

MODULE II. Fundamental Accounting Concepts Explained

·                Back to Basics
·                What is financial accounting all about
·                Tools
·                Essential Financial management terminologies and tools
·                Real time quantitative insight to the performance of business processes
·                Enable the management to make corrective action and be in control of the processes

MODULE III. How to read, analyze and interpret the Financial Statements

·                What are the major components of the financial statement
·                The relationships, usefulness and limitations of each components
·                Real world class cases 
·                What to look for 
·                Story beyond numbers
·                Major Financial & Non-Financial Ratios
Real cases - Exercise

Day 2:

MODULE IV. Holistic Approach

·                The 6Ps
·                Vision & Strategies
·                Looking beyond numbers for completeness and holistic approach
·                Unleashing team potential
·                Cause and consequences
·                Growing your leadership and lean practices   
·                Aligning with Your Business Objectives
·                From Effectiveness to Greatness

MODULE V. Qualitative Aspects

·                Integrity
·                Culture of empowerment
·                Core competencies vs capabilities
·                Energy
·                Intelligence
·                Multi-dimensional perspectives

MODULE VI. Big Picture

·                Alignment the required behaviors with your business objectives
·                Business acumen
·                Sustainable Shareholders’ value
·                Role in big picture
·                Learn, measure and grow
·                Pursuit of perfection
Real Cases illustration

MODULE VII. Other key Considerations

·                Cash is King
·                What is C.C.C
·                What is FCF
·                Transformation Plans
·                Appropriate Business mindset
·                Adaptability
·                Opportunities
·                Key Drivers
·                Priorities
·                Response to the changes appropriately


Sum Up/ Q & A

Key take-back messages 

