In Ipoh


with MIA in KL



                                                                       In Kuching

                                                                     In Kota Kinabalu




Pro-active Recognize Opportunity Through Creative Thinking Skills


To thrive in an uncertain, complex and volatile world, pro-active recognition opportunities through creative thinking lens is a must. The good news is that this skill is learnable and trainable. This workshop should assist the participants enhance their efforts to systematically find sustainable solutions and learn new ways to recognize new opportunities. Hence, its main intention is to cultivate systematic and scientific thinking to expand the individual’s current knowledge threshold through a series of games and activities. By honing this skill, the individual will be able to internalize with little or no thinking.


By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
1.     Pro-actively recognize opportunities with new lenses of enhancing value from the customer’s perspective in line with the company’s business objectives
2.     Readjust their radar for new opportunity, if necessary.
3.     See the invisible link of the mindset with behavior and culture
4.     Identify key ingredients involved in “creative” thinking cycle
5.     Understand blind spots and mental blocks that inhibit creative thinking
6.     Practice creative thinking through a series of exercises, activities and games
7.     Internalize with creative thinking skill
8.     Use Target Condition to overcome challenges that can expand their individual knowledge threshold
9.     Recognize the importance of using creative thinking for further improvement
10.  Use creative visualization to overcome challenges
11.  Prioritize the core challenges that prevent you to reach your next target condition
12.  Use 5 Whys to iron out the roots cause of the issues
13.  Use matrix to shape their behaviour
14.  Use Value Stream to solve the roots collectively
15.  Define the real cause that is closely associated with value arising from both the internal and external changes

Day I
Thinking & Innovation

Thinking is a skill

How to cultivate thinking and Innovation?

What are the tools and techniques we can use to develop thinking skill?
Exercise of Spotting Opportunities
Recognise opportunities through 5Rs

What are 5Rs?
How those 5Rs being employed through Innovation Implementation?


Causes and Consequences

Seeing the invisible

People, Process and Performance

Outcome and Process

Define Opportunity


Value Stream Mapping

Metric shape behaviour

Expand Your Current Knowledge Threshold

Use Moving Target as Direction
Metric measurements
Identify Core Challenges?
List down what are the likely possibilities
How to reach to the next level

Thinking, Action & Habit
Understanding deeply about the relationship between the above
Mind our business
Conscious Competencies to Unconscious Competencies
Learn and Grow


Mental blocks that prevent Creative thinking

What is creativity
Detailed discussion of those blocks
Blind spots
Past Experiences

Sum up / Q & A / Discussion

Mindset and Attitudes

The following issues will be covered:-
      a.   Problem Solving Skills
      b.   Empty your mind
  1. Pursuit of perfection
  2. Culture of empowerment
  3. Conscious to unconscious competencies
  4. Innovative, multi- dimensional perspectives
  5. Creative Visualization technique


Embrace Change
Repetition is the key to mastery
Mastery, Departure and Breakthrough

Sum Up/ Q & A
Key take-back messages




Today’s workplaces tend to be very hectic and stressful. We are inclined to make poor decisions with incomplete information or incorrect data or false assumptions. To prevent this, critical thinking skills will help you to stay focus on your objective and be aware of the assumptions before deriving your decision. In this workshop, you will equip yourselves with numerous models that can help you reach well-reasoned decisions.

Key Takeaways
Develop and cultivate thinking habits and skills.
  • Systematic develop a set of creative solutions to your organization's specific business challenges and strategies to implement them
  • Practical creativity tools you can apply at work

Learning Outcomes

Discover your thinking and innovation styles
Develop systematic ways of generating viable solutions 
Create a conducive environment to foster thinking habits and innovation
Identify and use multiple thinking techniques to generate ideas
Build innovation and critical thinking into individual and teamwork processes
Gathering feedback and finding leverage points


Day I

Thinking & Innovation

How to cultivate thinking and Innovation?
What are the tools and techniques?
Mental toughness

Direct, drive and deliver Value creation through 5Rs

What are 5Rs?
How those 5Rs being employed through Innovation Implementation?

Leading Performance Indicators

Back to Basics
Why numbers are important?
Numbers are the language of Business Improvement
How to read the story beyond the numbers?

What are the lagging and leading indicators?
Metric measurements, how to develop and use them?

Holistic Approach

How to align your strategy with the business objectives?
Build, Measure and Learn
Learn and Grow

Essential Skills

Quality aspects in term of needs, gaps and culture; how to assess
Effective Communication
Problem Solving Skills
Shape team purpose and productivity; how to
Adopt best practices
Metric measurements shape behaviour: how to
How to apply new strategic tools to create value for the company 
by looking beyond financial statements
How to effectively employ the new strategic tools and technique? 

Sum up / Q & A / Discussion

Day II

Qualitative aspects

The following issues will be covered:-
a.     Integrity
b.     Critical thinking
c.     Pursuit of perfection
d.     Culture of empowerment
e.     Conscious to unconscious competencies
f.      Dynamic, enthusiastic, energetic
g.     Innovative, multi- dimensional perspectives
h.     Culture of empowerment

Big picture of the organization Success

Use key performance indicators aligned to value creation; how to
Different perspectives and definitions:-
a.     Business acumen,
b.     Enhance Shareholders’ value,
c.     Understand their role in the big picture
d.     Pursuit of Perfection (concept and uses)


Economic & Business Outlook

What need to be done in this Uncertain, Volatile, Complex and Ambiguous World;
Change is certain & how to embrace change mind-set? Discussion
Why and how to focus on new opportunities & priorities
How to learn, Unlearn and relearn

Focus Area, Key opportunities & Priorities

What are the Key challenges and opportunities?
How to Master, depart and making transformation?
How to redefine your thinking process to accelerate growth?
Challenge Mastery and to have breakthrough results
Creative imagination
What are the key drivers?

Sum Up/ Q & A
Key take-back messages




This program is designed to impart basic knowledge to line managers about some common management financial reports to enable them to carry out simple analyses so that they can identify the health of operations and trigger their concerns for making improvement in their own areas of responsibilities.


By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

1.     Understand the various financial implications that are pertinent to management control and be able to measure effectiveness of operations
2.     Differentiate between the usefulness of financial accounting and management accounting reports
3.     Analyze the financial ratios to identify the company’s financial strength and weakness so that they can create appropriate strategic plans to achieve Company’s vision;
4.     Carry out simple analyses measuring returns using ROI, opportunity cost, stock management and inventories control ratios through both financial & non-financial KPIs
5.     Make use of the 9 pointers to have quick overall brief of the company

Key Topics:

1.     Essential financial management terminology, information and tools
2.     The importance and limitations of using numbers to predict, plan and control
3.     Essential Financial Statements (Balance sheet, P&L account, Management accounts, Cash flow Plan, Operating Budget Plan etc) and integrated with company strategy and vision;
4.     The relationships, usefulness and limitations of each component of Financial Statements with real-world class cases & what to look for.
5.     Gain financial discernment and confidence to positively impact on bottom line
6.     Understanding the Big Picture of doing Business and enhancing business acumen
      in management
7.     Looking beyond numbers for completeness and holistic management approach.
8.     9 Pointers of Financial Analysis; Qualitative, Qualitative and External Aspects
9.     How to achieve Progress, Profitability and Prosperity in today’s rapidly changing world.
10.  Main Types of Non-financial Ratios ( understanding rejection rate, waste ratio, complaint ratio, warranty ratios and delivery on schedule ratio ) to use to analyze the underlying causes and benchmark 
11.  Understanding the difference between core competencies and capability
12.  Understanding, analyzing and using Financial Ratios in management
13.  Cash Conversion Cycle, Free Cash Flow
14.  Work more effectively with their organizations’ financial personnel
15.  How to response to the rapid changes to External Factors (Market Driven) to stay ahead
Day 1:

MODULE I. From Vision to Financial Success

  • From Vision to Financial Plan
  • What is Finance management
  • Build, Measure and Learn
  • Value creation, eliminating waste & creating flow
  • What are the 5Rs

MODULE II. Fundamental Accounting Concepts Explained
  • Back to Basics
  • What is financial accounting all about
  • Essential Financial management terminologies and tool
  • Real time quantitative insight to the performance of business processes
  • Enable the management to make corrective action and be in control of the processes

MODULE III. How to read, analyze and interpret the Financial Statements
  • What are the major components of the financial statement
  • The relationships, usefulness and limitations of each components
  • Real world class cases
  • What to look for
  • Story beyond numbers
  • Major Financial & Non-Financial Ratios

Day 2:

MODULE IV. Holistic Approach
  • The 6Ps
  • Vision & Strategies
  • Looking beyond numbers for completeness and holistic approach
  • Unleashing team potential
  • Cause and consequences
  • Growing your leadership and lean practices  
  • Aligning with Your Business Objectives

MODULE V. Qualitative Aspects
  • Integrity
  • Culture of empowerment
  • Core competencies vs capabilities
  • Energy
  • Intelligence
  • Multi-dimensional perspectives

MODULE VI. Big Picture
  • Alignment the required behaviors with your business objectives
  • Business acumen
  • Sustainable Shareholders’ value
  • Role in big picture
  • Pursuit of perfection

MODULE VII. Other key Considerations
  • What is C.C.C
  • What is FCF
  • Transformation Plans
  • Business mindset
  • Adaptability
  • Opportunities
  • Key Drivers
  • Priorities
Sum Up/ Q & A
Key take-back messages 



In todays fast pace and rapid changing environment, we have to be clear on how we can enhance
our earning resources in the long term. We might be distracted by various incomplete
information or incorrect data or false assumptions that drain out our resources, if we do not stay

In today’s fast pace and rapid changing environment, we have to be clear on how we can enhance our earning resources in the long term. We might be distracted by various incomplete information or incorrect data or false assumptions that drain out our resources, if we do not stay focus on our goals. To achieve sustainable growth, critical cash management skill is a must. In this workshop, you will equip yourself with numerous models that can help you to better manage your cash flow no matters what.

Key Takeaways

Develop and cultivate sound cash management habits and skills.
Systematic development of sound cash management skills to tackle specific business challenges 
and implementing the strategies
Practical powerful tools you can apply to better cash flow to sustain business growth and profitability.

Learning Outcomes

Discover your cash management patterns and styles,
Develop systematic ways of cash management system  
Create a conducive environment to fostering and preserving your cash
Identify and use multiple techniques to grow your resources that constantly generate positive cash flow both short and long terms
Build innovation and critical thinking into individual and teamwork processes

Gathering feedback and finding leverage points to enhance your earning potential 

Day I


MODULE: 1 Cash flow

What is cash management?
Why we need to focus on cash flow instead of profit?
How to manage cash flow?
What symptoms to look for?
The differences between Capital and Revenue Nature
How to establish cash management system?

MODULE: 2 Vision and Strategy

Begin with the end in mind
Formulate and implement the strategy that align with your business goals
Observe and gain insight of your business patterns
Develop cash forecasting and projection using what if scenario
Be agile and vigilant of the changes that has significant impact on your cash flow

MODULE: 3 Holistic Approach

How to align your strategy with the business objectives?
What are 6Ps?
What is S.Y.S.T.E.M.S?
Review your cash management regularly
Build, Measure and Learn
Learn and Grow

MODULE: 4 Essential Cash Management Skills

What is C.C.C?
Adopt the best practices
Daily Cash Flow Forecast
Daily monitoring system
Visual metric measurements shape behaviour
Identify what are the critical risk exposures by looking beyond financial statements
How to effectively employ the new strategic tools and technique to manage those risks?
What is FCF

Sum up / Q & A / Discussion

Day II

MODULE: 5 Qualitative Aspects

The following issues will be covered:-
a. Integrity
b. Critical thinking
c. Pursuit of perfection
d. Culture of empowerment
e. Conscious to unconscious competencies
f. Dynamic, enthusiastic, energetic
g. Innovative, multi- dimensional perspectives

MODULE: 6 Laser Focus on the Big picture of the Organization Success

Different perspectives and definitions:-
a. Business acumen,
b. Enhance Shareholders’ value,
c. Understand their role in the big picture
d. Pursuit of Perfection (concept and uses)

MODULE: 7 External Risks

What to look for
Why and how to focus on new opportunities & priorities through 5 Rs
What are 5Rs
Align capabilities for growth & sustainability through Start, Leap and Acceleration.

MODULE: 8 External Opportunities

What are the Key challenges and opportunities?
How to identify new investment opportunity through Build, Measure and Learn to accelerate growth?
Challenge Mastery and to have breakthrough results
Creative visualization
What are the key drivers?

Sum Up/ Q & A
Key take-back messages




With duly acquired skills, innate discipline, and an objective approach, the profession of value investor can be highly rewarding and inspiring. Investing is multi-disciplinary as it brings together elements of finance, strategy, marketing, operations, and financial reporting, among others, into one place.

Value investing basically involves buying securities that are underpriced – and selling those that are overpriced – with a great emphasis on the margin of safety. Bill Graham pioneered this approach, while the likes of Warren Buffet gave it the centre-stage exposure that it deserved.

Value investors are able to generate outsized returns on a consistent basis in investment strategies
that tend to outperform over a longer-term investment horizon. As such, this course is intended to provide participants with key investment tools and they will be working with given real time financial statements.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

1.  Identify the strong fundamental sound company that is suitable for value investing;
2.  Differentiate between growth stock and value stock;
3.  Have sound comprehension of what stocks constitute as value stock in term of its characteristics; business and mission.
4.  Understand why this stock can outperform the market and deliver excellent result; and 
5.  Address those critical concerns especially in relation to the investors’ perspective.
6.  Understand the economic, business, and financial analysis unique to value investing;
7.  Analyze a range of public-company business for investment purposes;
8.  Value public companies and securities through a range of financial analysis tools; and
9 Learn about, conduct, and effectively communicate to investors the original investment research focused on publicly listed companies.

Day I
Understand what makes value investing
·       Icebreaker
·       What makes value investing
·       Formulae
·       Why Qualitative insight is crucial
·       Clear understanding of core competencies & their importance
·       Long term shareholders

Holistic Approach  
·       Causes and consequences
·       Financial and Non-financial perspectives
·       The leading and lagging indicators, its relationships & implications
·       Seeing the invisible
·       Multi-dimension to shape its future especially in today’s fast changing world (6 Ps)
·       Hands On experience

Free Cash Flow

-       Why cash flow is important than profit
-       Cash Conversion Cycle
-       Real application & exercise
-       Understand their stories
-       Its value, vision & mission
-       Identify Core Challenges?

Qualitative aspects of the Company
·         Game
·         Brain of the company
·         Why you need three key ingredients of Integrity, Intelligence and Energy that can direct, drive and deliver its excellent results,
·     How value, beliefs and culture play a crucial roles and how it has been applied in Walmart.
Video – empty your mind & its qualities

Response well with external changes

·       SWOT
·       Focus on Inner and response well to external changes
·       Like water
·       Core competency and not capability
·       Transformational video
Simple business and it model

Sum up / Q & A / Discussion
Sum Up/ Q & A
Key take-back messages


The world is changing much faster pace than ever before. Global connectivity, smart machines, new media and the evolution of governance are just some of the key drivers reshaping the expectations of all stakeholders have on every business owner and finance function. To play a critical and strategic role in bringing the much needed stability to business and society is a must.
After the end of this program, the participant will have:-
Good and deep understanding of what takes to be strategic plan;
Known in details what are the key steps in strategic planning and management;
Able to craft and formula a more agile and productive team;
Understand what strategic questions that must be answered;
Able to understand what organisational decision makers are looking for;
Able to ascertain what it need to take for the organisational decision makers
Day I

Strategic Planning
What is strategic planning?
How should business approach their strategic planning?
What are the attributes of a Good Planning Framework?
What are the steps in Strategic Planning and Management?

Direct, drive and deliver Value creation through 5Rs

What are 5Rs?
How those 5Rs being employed through Innovation Implementation?

Insightful information

What organizational decision makers are looking for?
What strategic questions that must be answered?
How to develop new skills and competencies to deliver increased value?

Metric measurements, how to develop and use them?
Setting Strategic Direction
What is Mission?
What is Vision?
What is Strategic?
What’s the link and relationship between all these key ingredients?
What are the 5 step approach?
What are the factors caused the strategy fails?


What are the New Skills and Competencies required?

Excellent analytical skills in terms of financial, market, statistical and sophisticated modelling techniques
Use of multi-discipline team approach
To integrate inputs from diverse non-financial sources
Back by strong commercial acumen characterised by strong product, process and market knowledge
Adopt best practices
Metric measurements shape behaviour: how to
How to apply new strategic tools to create value for the company by looking beyond financial statements
How to effectively employ the new strategic tools and technique? 

Sum up / Q & A / Discussion
Day II

Higher Order Thinking Skills

What is higher Thinking Skills
Why it is important
How can it help

What is Creative
What is Innovation?
How are they related?

Evaluation and control
How much progress has been made in accomplishing the task?
What is preventing us from moving forward?
What adjustments should be made to the initial operating plan?
Is there a need to revise the strategic objectives?



The strategic role of finance function

What are the strategic involvement ?
The challenges for finance function
How the finance team in driving and influencing organizational strategy
Finance professionals and decision making in :-
a.     Enhance Shareholders’ value,
b.     Understand their role in the big picture
c.     Pursuit of Perfection (concept and uses)



Key Challenges and Opportunities

What need to be done in this Uncertain, Volatile, Complex and Ambiguous World;
Change is certain & how to embrace change mind-set? Discussion
How to reinvigorating growth and prosperity?
Why and how to focus on new opportunities & priorities
How to learn, Unlearn and relearn

Focus Area & Priorities
What are the Key challenges and opportunities?
Higher order thinking skill;

Challenge Mastery and to have breakthrough results
Creative imagination
What are the key drivers?


Sum Up/ Q & A
Key take-back messages





This program is designed to impart basic knowledge to line managers about some common management financial reports to enable them to carry out simple analyses so that they can identify the health of operations and trigger their concerns for making improvement in their own areas of responsibilities.


By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

1.     Understand the various financial implications that are pertinent to management control and be able to measure effectiveness of operations
2.     Differentiate between the usefulness of financial accounting and management accounting reports
3.     Analyze the financial ratios to identify the company’s financial strength and weakness so that they can create appropriate strategic plans to achieve Company’s vision; 
4.     Carry out simple analyses measuring returns using ROI, opportunity cost, stock management and inventories control ratios through both financial & non-financial KPIs 
5.     Make use of the 9 pointers to have quick CHECK of the company’s financial health
6.    Know precisely what to look for
7.    Gauge with more confidence where the company is heading

Key Topics: 

1.     Essential financial management terminology, information and tools
2.     The importance and limitations of using numbers to predict, plan and control
3.     Essential Financial Statements (Balance sheet, P&L account, Management accounts, Cash flow Plan, Operating Budget Plan etc) and integrated with company strategy and vision;
4.     The relationships, usefulness and limitations of each component of Financial Statements with real-world class cases & what to look for.
5.     Gain financial discernment and confidence to positively impact on bottom line
6.     Understanding the Big Picture of doing Business and enhancing business acumen in management
7.     Looking beyond numbers for completeness and holistic management approach. 
8.     9 Pointers of Financial Analysis; Qualitative, Qualitative and External Aspects
9.     How to achieve Progress, Profitability and Prosperity in today’s rapidly changing world.
10.  Main Types of Non-financial Ratios ( understanding rejection rate, waste ratio, complaint ratio, warranty ratios and delivery on schedule ratio ) to use to analyze the underlying causes and benchmark 
11.  Understanding the difference between core competencies and capability
12.  Understanding, analyzing and using Financial Ratios in management 
13.  Cash Conversion Cycle, Free Cash Flow
14.  Work more effectively with their organizations’ financial personnel
15.  How to response to the rapid changes to External Factors (Market Driven) to stay ahead 
Day 1:

MODULE I. From Vision to Financial Success 
·                From Vision to Financial Plan
·                The link between Vision, Strategies and Operational Plans
·                What is Finance management
·                Learn, Measure and Grow
·                Value creation, eliminating waste & creating flow
·                What are the 5Rs

MODULE II. Fundamental Accounting Concepts Explained

·                Back to Basics
·                What is financial accounting all about
·                Tools
·                Essential Financial management terminologies and tools
·                Real time quantitative insight to the performance of business processes
·                Enable the management to make corrective action and be in control of the processes

MODULE III. How to read, analyze and interpret the Financial Statements

·                What are the major components of the financial statement
·                The relationships, usefulness and limitations of each components
·                Real world class cases 
·                What to look for 
·                Story beyond numbers
·                Major Financial & Non-Financial Ratios
Real cases - Exercise

Day 2:

MODULE IV. Holistic Approach

·                The 6Ps
·                Vision & Strategies
·                Looking beyond numbers for completeness and holistic approach
·                Unleashing team potential
·                Cause and consequences
·                Growing your leadership and lean practices   
·                Aligning with Your Business Objectives
·                From Effectiveness to Greatness

MODULE V. Qualitative Aspects

·                Integrity
·                Culture of empowerment
·                Core competencies vs capabilities
·                Energy
·                Intelligence
·                Multi-dimensional perspectives

MODULE VI. Big Picture

·                Alignment the required behaviors with your business objectives
·                Business acumen
·                Sustainable Shareholders’ value
·                Role in big picture
·                Learn, measure and grow
·                Pursuit of perfection
Real Cases illustration

MODULE VII. Other key Considerations

·                Cash is King
·                What is C.C.C
·                What is FCF
·                Transformation Plans
·                Appropriate Business mindset
·                Adaptability
·                Opportunities
·                Key Drivers
·                Priorities
·                Response to the changes appropriately


Sum Up/ Q & A

Key take-back messages 


Financial Interpretation and Management

Course Outline:

Day 1
Module 1        Introduction

            •           Icebreaker
•           What makes the Financial Statement?
            •           Main Components of Financial Statements
            •           Cash and Accruals concept
            •           Free Cash Flow / CCC
•           Why it is important
•           Their usefulness and limitations

Module 2        Understanding the story behind the numbers fully, intelligently and wisely
            •           Back to Basics
•           The characteristics of numbers, its usefulness and limitations as a saying “Business is a right numbers game.”
•           Patterns, possibilities and Prediction
•           Games.

Module 3        Various Financial Ratios, Non-Financial Ratios and Leading Indicators

•           Analysis and diagnose tools
•           This session explores the various financial diagnosis, meanings, relationships, dimensions and their implications. Benchmarking, efficiency and improvement measures.
•           Lagging and leading indicators
•           Key Success Areas
•           80/20 Rules and Principles
            Direction is far important than dedication and determination
            Real Cases Study

Module 4        The Holistic Approach
            •           Cause and Consequences
•           An explanation of the Key Success Areas and how it has been applied in Walmart.
•           Complete, comprehensive and clear approach – begin with strategy and vision, end with models and analytical insights. Thus driving improved operational decision making and business process. The difference between the leading and lagging indicators.
•           Switching your mind and making transformational plans from intuitions to careful assessments, evidence of business analyst tapping into the advancement of technology.


Module 5        9 Pointers; Quality and External Aspects

            •           Quick Bird’s Eye View
            •          The various key concern areas
•           What to look for

Module 6        Accounting, Performance Management and Essential Skills required  
            •           Key Accounting Policies and its implications  
            •           Strategic paths and Plans
            •           4 Ms in line with the saying,“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”
            •           Retains Talents
            •           See beyond the numbers
            •           Sustainable Business Growth & profitability
Module 7        The Big Pictures of the Business

            •           Vision, Mission and Strategy
•           This session explores what is the big picture of the business, the financial literacy, business acumen and their functions
•           Industry Outlook - Industry trends and challenges           
            •           International markets, currency exchange ratios and interest Rate regime
            •           Resources
            •           Technological influences
•           Global economy outlook

Module 8        Qualitative Aspects

•           Culture/ Core Values
•           Core Competency
•           Integrity
•           Energy
•           Leadership
•           Response to external Changes
                      Key opportunities & Priorities
            •           This session explores the challenges and issues
            •           Changes, development, transit and transformation

                        Real cases and Their Pitfalls Discussion        

